Meet the studio

Our philosophy is based on carrying out tailor-made projects for each client, based on communication and commitment, to achieve the highest quality in design.

Lluc Darder Aldeguer ·

Architect by the School of Architecture of Barcelona (ETSAB), Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), since 2012.

After graduating, I obtained a scholarship to work in Rotterdam, Holland at the architecture and urbanism studio MONOLAB Architectura & Urbanism. Due to the economic crisis that hit Europe during those years, I moved to Melbourne, Australia. There I worked as an architect at RMA (Richard Middleton Architects) and COY YIONTIS ARCHITECTS, mainly on high-end housing projects and two university residences.

In 2016, I decided to return to Mallorca.

Between 2016 and 2021, I was working in collaboration with other studios on the island, in the realization of projects of "high standing" single-family homes, boutique hotels, rehabilitations of Mallorcan possessions, integral reforms of houses... among other works.

At the end of 2021, after 10 years of experience in other architectural design studios and different countries, I decided to start my own professional project: DRDRarquitectura. Since then, we have been dedicated to architecture and interior design projects, both public and private.

Collaborators ·

We assemble a tailor-made team for each project, weaving a network of collaborators who are specialists in each of the disciplines required for the project.

  • Technical architect: Gerard Bonet
  • Engineering: REOLID Consulting
  • Structural calculation: DIAFAN Estructuras
  • Landscaping: Leaf.create
  • 3D Infographics: MAPrenders / anamadriguera.espacios

Contact us ·